Forgiving loans to your children is something that some people consider when creating an estate plan. Doing so, may be one of the best things you do for your heirs. But, if not done with a balance of delicateness and firmness, you may create conflict among your...
Estate Planning
The important duties of the executor
The executor plays a pivotal role in the estate administration process. This person ensures that the wishes of the testator – the person who created the will – are fulfilled. The goal is to settle the estate, but before this person can do so, he or she has numerous...
Updating your will remains an important part of estate planning
Estate plans need regular attention. Why? Because a person’s life evolves and changes through the years. Assets grow and accumulate, matters in a person’s life change and so do personal relationships. For example, a will created by the 30-year-old version of yourself...
Why do I need to create an estate plan while I’m healthy?
No one enjoys talking about their own mortality or wants to think about what will happen if their health declines. Likewise, it can be a sensitive and awkward subject to broach, even with the ones we love the most. But making crucial decisions right now to protect...